IEEE Projects – What are they?

IEEE Projects – What are they?

The first and foremost question that comes to a student’s mind when they come across the term IEEE Project  is…what is are IEEE projects ? This page will answer this question and also try and address other concerns that students generally have with regard to the whole IEEE project process.

Actually the term IEEE projects in itself is just a easier way to say – IEEE paper based projects! So IEEE projects are actually projects which are based on IEEE papers. Naturally when people say IEEE 2017 project , what is meant is that the project is based on an IEEE paper published in the year 2017…as simple as that. Though this looks fairly simple and straight forward, lots of students that come to us are not very clear about this. Some students further more believe that IEEE projects are projects that are provided by IEEE or funded by IEEE etc…this however is wrong in the general context that that term is used these days.

Selecting IEEE Projects

So once that we are clear on what ieee projects are, the next question is how does one go about selecting one such project. But before a student can go about selecting an ieee project, the student needs to identify the project domain(s) that the student is interested in for the final year project. Once the student has decided on a project domain or some technology then the students can visit IEEE Xplore, which is the online digital library run by IEEE, which contains all the IEEE papers that are published. The students can perform search based on the area of interest, the technologies they are interested in and use different combination of keywords to look for papers they are interested in.

IEEE Base Papers

Once the student has selected a paper that they find interesting then they can use that as the base paper for their project. This is another very popularly used term “IEEE base paper” – again this only means that the project is based on a certain IEEE paper. Hence when one says IEEE 2014 project or IEEE 2017 base paper than means that the respective IEEE paper was or should have been published in the year 2017. The same rule applies for IEEE reference papers as well.


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